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Distributor Ignition Tune up Kit John Deere Tractor - WICO DB Distributor
    Distributor Ignition Tune up Kit John Deere Tractor - WICO DB Distributor
    Purchase Distributor Ignition Tune up Kit John Deere Tractor - WICO DB Distributor
    • SKU: WICODBJ216
      Distributor Ignition Tune up Kit John Deere Tractor - WICO DB Distributor

    • $110.00


    WICO DB USA MAde Distributor Cap with Ignition Kit Points, Condenser, Rotor, USA Made Copper Core Spark plug wire set and AL216 (14mm x 7/16" reach) Spark plugs

    4 Cylinder WICO DB Distributors

    John Deere 600, 700, 1010, 2010, 2020, 2030, 2510, 3010, 3020

    X30091, X30169, X30275, X30278, X30091, A20780, A20785, AT14190, X30042, AR12003, X30072 

    Please verify your Tractor has the 4 Cylinder WICO DB Distributor. This does not fit models with Delco Clip-held, Prestolite Distributors, Delco Screw-Held Distributor or any other Distributor.

    This kit includes the AL216 Spark plugs.  Please verify your Tractor requires the AL216 (14mm x 7/16" reach) Spark plugs. Some models may have (require) different size Spark plug - AL386 (18mm x 1/2" reach), or AL405 (14mm x 3/4" reach).  If your specific model requires the AL386 or AL405, you must let us know prior to shipping to switch the plugs and ship the size required.  If not, the AL216 will be shipped.