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Hydraulic pump Assembly:
John Deere: 5105, 5200, 5205, 5210, 5215, 5220, 5300, 5310, 5310N, 5315, 5320, 5320N, 5400, 5400N, 5500N, 5103 (s/n 001072-earlier), 5203 (s/n 000882-earlier), 5303 (s/n 000877-earlier)
Please verify this is the correct pump for your application; some models listed may use a different pump.
RE197623, RE68886 - Pump has a one-year Manufacturer Warranty: Please ensure you change your fluid and filter before use of pump. Dirt / Trash found inside the pump can cause problems warranty claims. Labor is not covered under the Warranty. No returns will be accepted if the pump has been taken apart.