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357476R95 Head Gasket Set - IH Farmall Tractor
    357476R95 Head Gasket Set - IH Farmall Tractor
    Purchase 357476R95 Head Gasket Set - IH Farmall Tractor
    • SKU: 357476R95
      357476R95 Head Gasket Set - IH Farmall Tractor

    • $72.00


    • Head Gasket set
      • IH Farmall Tractor AV, Super A, Super AV, Super C, 100, 130, 140, 200, 230, 240, 330, 340 (with water pumps and C113, C123 (and C135 engines up to SN: 100500),  Crawler: T340, T5 (with water pumps and C113, C123 (and C135 engines up to SN: 100500), Windrower: 201 (with water pumps and C113, C123 (and C135 engines up to SN: 100500)

      • IH Combines: 91, 93 (with water pumps and C113, C123 (and C135 engines up to SN: 100500)

        IH Industrial:  Crawler: 500, T4 (with water pumps and C113, C123 (and C135 engines up to SN: 100500)

      • 357476R95
        • Gas engines only - 3.480" head gasket bore size - Tractors with water pumps
        Gasket set includes: head gasket, valve cover gasket, valve cover washers / seals, manifold gaskets, carburetor gasket, intake and exhaust valve seals