11 1/4" Dual Clutch Kit: 11 1/4", 6 Lever Pressure Plate Assembly with Captive Trans. Disc, 1-9/16" 14 Spline Hub, Clutch Disc 15/16" 10 Spline Hub, Release Bearing and Pilot Bearings
Kubota Tractor: L5450DT, M4000, M4030, M4030DT, M4030SU, M4030SUTF, M4050, M4050DT, M4500, M4500DT, M4950, M4950DT, M4950DTS, M4950S, M5030, M5030DT, M5030SU, M5030SUMDT, M5500, M5500DT, M5950, M5950C, M5950DT, M5950DTC, M5950DTS, M5950S, M6030, M6030DT, M6030DTN, M6030DTNB, M7030DTBN, M7030N, M7030SU, M7030SUDT, M7500, M7500ACL, M7500DT, M7500DTACL
Flywheel Step .079"
35555-25100, 35830-25102, 35830-25104, 55525100NU 35555-25100 35555-25102 35830-25102 35830-25104 32590-14500 35502-25100 35502-25102 35788-25104 36200-25100 36200-25103 36200-25104 36200-25105 36200-25106 35820-25133 K35555N KIT
To avoid returns, please positively identify your clutch before ordering.