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Carburetor Rebuild Kit Zenith Bendix Carburetor - Case Tractor
    Carburetor Rebuild Kit Zenith Bendix Carburetor - Case Tractor
    Purchase Carburetor Rebuild Kit Zenith Bendix Carburetor - Case Tractor
    • SKU: ZenithKit42
      Carburetor Rebuild Kit Zenith Bendix Carburetor - Case Tractor

    • $40.00


    Zenith Bendix Carburetor Repair / Rebuild Kit

    Zenith Carburetor 8964, 8964A, 8964B, 8964, 04990AB

    Case Tractor C, CC, CC3, CC4, CD, CCS, CH, CL, CI, CO, D, DC, DC3, DC4, DE, DCS, DH, DI, DL, DO, DS, DV

    Please confirm your Carburetor Number on your Carburetor to ensure this is the Correct Carburetor Kit for your Carburetor on your respective Tractor model. 

    General Instructions will be included with this Carburetor kit. The General Instructions will cover Basic Rebuild Instructions and a parts list (diagram) that will cover this Carburetor number, and possibly other Carburetor numbers.  Some parts shown may not be applicable, required, nor included in this kit