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Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A244
    Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A244
    Purchase Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A244
    • SKU: 46-A50
      Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A244

    • $38.00


    Brass Venturi - 27/32" ID - Marvel Schebler Carburetor

    Marvel Schebler Carburetor TSX97 TSX360 TSX414 TSX615 TSX869 TSX892 TSX898 TSX904 TSX907 TSX941 TSX941SL TSX974 TSX1002 TSXU1006

    46-A50, 46-A244 

    Please confirm your Carburetor Number on your Carburetor to ensure this is the Venturi for your Carburetor on your respective Tractor model.