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Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A160
    Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A160
    Purchase Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A160
    • SKU: 46-A160
      Brass Venturi - Marvel Schebler Carburetor 46-A160

    • $36.00


    Brass Venturi - 25/32" ID - Marvel Schebler Carburetor

    Marvel Schebler Carburetor TSX605 TSX650 TSX683 TSX692 TSX714 TSX765 TSX863 TSX882 TSX896 TSX976


    Please confirm your Carburetor Number on your Carburetor to ensure this is the Venturi for your Carburetor on your respective Tractor model.